The following video is pretty inspiring. It is large home-scale aquaponics system that was installed at a house in the Philippines posted on greencorerevolution.
Heads up, the score/music in the video kind of lags, feel free to turn down the volume.
You can see how they incorporate fish, vegetation, ducks and even rabbits into their system. The system holds 5,000 ltr water and 8,000 ltr gravel, it uses a 1/2 horse power motor ( $ 15 ) on timer ( $10 ) set to every 15 min cycles, air pump $50.
This Next Video is an update to the same system 6 months later:
So far the results of the crops tested to date:
chillies good, lettuce good, tomatoes poor, kangkong good, ocra good, beans good, passion fruit excellent, umpillia good, basil excellent, tyme poor,
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