Green Lady Aquaponics Inatallation – Week 2



San Diego Aquaponics

So far the Aquaponic System that we helped install in the showcase window at Green Lady Hydroponics in Ocean Beach San Diego, California is doing just great in it’s second week.

Last week we added some goldfish to the system for a couple of reasons. One reason is to check the water quality, if fish live, the water is getting there, if fish die you need to wait a little longer. Gold fish are dirty fish which is good for building the bacteria levels in a new system. They are also hearty fish, which means that they don’t die as easily as other fish species. This makes them the perfect guinea pig for a new system. I am glad to report that all of the goldfish survived and were transferred back to the pond that they came from after they got the system primed.

After waiting a few more days and taking water samples each day we decided to introduce the first batch of Tilapia, to see how they will do. The Tilapia have been in the system for three days now and so far so good. Just yesterday we started getting a good balanced reading on the water levels meaning that the system is starting out according to our plans.

For the next couple of weeks we will be checking the water quality and we will slowly start introducing a few more fish to the reservoir.

Check back for more updates, and if you live in San Diego, stop by Green Lady Hydroponics on Newport Avenue in Ocean Beach to see the set-up.
Green Lady Hydroponics
4879 Newport Avenue
San Diego, CA 92107
If you live in the San Diego area and are looking to purchase some Tilapia Fingerlings, you are able to do so at the Green Lady Hydroponics on Newport Blvd. In Ocean Beach

One response to “Green Lady Aquaponics Inatallation – Week 2”

  1. Richard Teasta Avatar
    Richard Teasta

    I stopped by and picked up some Tilapia from these guys, they were very helpful.

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