Hacienda Okhra Project is a concept community created by Georges Lefebvre located in the tropical hills of Mal Pais on the Southern Nicola Peninsula in Costa Rica.
A little over a year ago Hacienda Okhra Project started developing natural hydroponic and organic gardens to begin providing local grown produce to the people in the surrounding communities. With a growing population of nationals and expats from all around the world the local communities had an abundance of culture – but they lacked healthy produce, free of chemicals and insecticides.

Due to lax regulations and an abundance of insects, Costa Rica uses more insecticides per capita than most developed and under developed countries around the world. With a tropical climate you can get fresh produce all year but there is no telling what you are actually putting into your body when it comes to the chemical make-up.
There are only a handful of organic farmers in Costa Rica that are looking at local food production for adjacent communities instead of exporting it out.
Hacienda Okhra gives locals and visitors the opportunity to eat fresh natural, local grown food from soil to table all in the same day.
Designed as a concept community strategically located in a blue zone, Hacienda Okrha is nestled into the breathtaking hills of Las Delicias, just above to town of Mal Pais and Santa Teresa on the Southern Nicoya Peninsula.
Hacienda Okhra Project is estimating a commercial production of over 700 heads of lettuce plus another 15 kilos of other veggies i.e., tomatoes, peppers, basil, pickles etc. per week. They hope to increase production plus introduce an aquaponics system to produce fish along with natural minerals early next year.
Organic Soil Production

They recently installed some new cages for composting at their compost area plus a vermiposting station to start producing their own worm castings.
Seed Germination

Many of the seeds are germinated in the germinating room while some are planted directly into the pots. Hacienda Okhra project also produces a number of mixed mini green trays for local chefs in the surrounding areas. These Organic mini green trays are sold as a whole tray with over 200 miniature greens.
Lettuce Production
Each week they transfer 700 seedlings from the growing trays to the growing station and plant over 1000 seeds of mixed vegetables. They are currently producing over 5 different types of salad greens including Boston and Arugula.
Tomato Production
The tomato growing area has over 200 mini Roma tomato plants in different stages of flowering and vegetation. The tomatoes are in a 50/50 coco and compost growing medium, in 14″ deep growing beds.
Watering System

Water is pumped up right now from two wells through a series of lines to an elevated holding tank. Directly below the holding tank is smaller tank where natural minerals can be added to the plants. In the next few months we build our fish tanks where you see them placed in the above image.
The water will eventually flow up from the fish tanks to the sump reservoir below the storage tank. From there the nutrient rich water filled with fish waist will flow into the grow rooms via a gravity feed. The excess water from the grow areas drain directly into outdoor gardens leading down hill with growing swells eventually feeding back into the wells.
Fruit Production
Hacienda Okhra also produces a wonderful variety of seasonal fruit ranging from avocados, lemons, oranges, papaya, bananas, limes and more.
Hacienda Okhra Project offers private classes for tourists and locals on how to make your own soil, produce your own seeds and grow your own food. They also offer classes on aquaponics and how to build and maintain home-scale to commercial systems. Pluss in depth courses on how to get started, what to grow, what to keep in mind and what to look out for.
To schedule a class of find out more contact Hacienda Okhra Project
Private Dinners
Hacienda Okhra Project offers private dinners and classes for tourists and locals on how to make and grow their own food. With world renown chefs and service they offer a one of a kind dining experience.Perfect for wedding parties and events.
To schedule a dinner of find out more contact Hacienda Okhra Project
Vacation Rentals
Haceienda Okhra Project offers three different vacation rentals for guests visiting the area. With a one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom unit there is something to fit any size party.
Check out http://www.haciendaokhra.com for more information about vacation rentals
The Break Room
The break room gives you a little place to blow of some steam or work on some new lip tricks right next to where the tomatos are growing
More updates on the Hacienda Okhra Project to come.
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